
AI art is not a threat

More and more creative people are worried about the idea of “artificial intelligence” (AI). Images made by well-known machine learning programs like DALL-E and Midjourney have been all over the internet this year. In comments on social media posts about AI’s abilities, people were worried that computers would take over creative jobs.

It’s important to understand what these machine learning algorithms are and how they work if you want to know how much risk they pose to human creativity.

The developer of DALL-E 2 describes it as an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a simple language description. This is basically how the vast majority of AI art systems work. All generators work the same way: the user types in a prompt, and a machine learning algorithm takes a few seconds to a few minutes to mix, edit, and create images that fit the words.

The vast majority of people who have tried out these apps have done so for fun, putting the technology to the test with silly questions. It’s also fun to see what the AI comes up with when given a crazy or confusing request.

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The Eye – Generated AI Artwork by NightCafe Creator

On the other hand, creations made by AI do not meet the standards for beauty. The point of artistic expression is to get people to feel something by sending a message or showing an idea in a creative way. So, even though AI-generated images look beautiful, they cannot be considered works of art. These algorithms mimic how people look for references, but they don’t come up with anything new like people do. In its responses to our suggestions, AI’s “art” is at best an extension of the human brain and at worst an elaborate attempt to steal.

When you think about these things, it’s clear that artificial intelligence will never be able to make art as good as a person. In our work, we might think about and use abstract ideas like business ideas, symbols, and cultural references.

Artificial intelligence is still a long way from being as smart as a fully developed brain or even a college-educated artist. For now, it can only copy pictures that already exist by putting together paintings and photos.

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Credit: Shutterstock
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2022 teh_z1b/Shutterstock. 

There is also a chance that technology will have the same effect on art as photography did. People may be forced by AI to express themselves in a more introspective way, like how photography led to impressionism.

This technology could be used in dangerous ways, like spreading false information through computer-made images or submitting them as original works of art to art contests. Aside from that, it looks like AI will keep helping people do their jobs until it becomes conscious. We shouldn’t think of this technology as a rival, but rather as a way to get ideas and make our own pictures.

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