
Art has its limitation, too

When it comes to art, some argue that a computer will never be able to match human inventiveness. That assertion, however, is becoming more difficult to support in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI art is a growing field in which algorithms for artificial intelligence are used to make art. Of course, not everyone believes AI art is genuinely art. Some believe that the finished result lacks soul or emotion since the machine does all of the labor. Others, on the other hand, argue that all art is ultimately made by people, even if they use robots to assist them. One thing is certain: artificial intelligence is altering the landscape of the art world, and there is no going back now.

How will AI Art change our perspective on creativity?

Is creation only a human endeavor? Can artificial intelligence be creative as well? AI has come a long way in the last few years. It can now make works of art that fool experts into thinking they were made by humans. Our creative world is changing quickly because of big steps forward in AI algorithms. Many artists now have AI image generators at their disposal, resulting in the birth of Human-AI co-creativity. But where do we draw the line between what is actually creative and what is just noise created by an algorithm?

Our creativity, like AI, needs input on which to build an output. Human creativity is founded on prior experiences and conceptions. If a person has no concept what a pumpkin or soup is, they are unlikely to make it. Similarly, kids are unlikely to acquire a spontaneous desire to become a professional wrestler if they have never been exposed to the notion of wrestling and the idea that you can do it for a living.

Creative ideas need unique combinations of previously acquired information. To make and recognize a new combination, you need to know a lot of different things and move your mind in a lot of different ways. Our mental maps are limited, but being exposed to more events, places, works of art, and other things helps to make them bigger.

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Like the human brain, AI is limited.

It’s no secret that the area of artificial intelligence is riddled with prejudice. From picture editing applications that automatically lighten skin tone to speech recognition software that fails to grasp non-standard languages, it’s evident that the data sets utilized to train these algorithms, and hence the models themselves, are constrained. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that many AI models are built and driven by humans, and humans are inherently biased animals. There is no quick fix, but we can start by diversifying our data sets. We can aspire for more varied output from AI systems if we give them more diverse input.

In our daily lives, it is easy to consider prejudice as a negative thing. After all, it leads to individuals passing judgment on others without completely comprehending them. Bias, on the other hand, may be a useful shortcut. Constantly considering all choices is computationally difficult for both AI systems and humans. When confronted with a complicated issue, our brains seek learnable patterns that will assist us in making sense of it. This is why we recall information that validates our pre-existing ideas better. Although this might lead to biased thinking, it can also assist us make rapid judgments when we don’t have time for a thorough examination of the evidence. This is handy when making a choice of little or no significance, such as whether to eat salad or pizza. It’s sometimes simply our brain’s method of getting us through the day.

One advantage of being human is that humans can reason and reflect on their own prejudices, while robots cannot. Because of this, people who design and use AI must be aware of their own biases so they don’t spread them by accident. This is why it is critical that an artist be engaged in the AI art process – the AI does not create the art alone. The artist’s role is to curate, choose, and steer the machine toward a desired outcome. Finally, the artist is accountable for what is released into the world. Without self-reflection and metacognition added by a human artist, AI art would be ineffective and pointless.

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