
Should AI-generated art be considered real art?

As AI art generators take over the globe, some question if they should even be classified as art. Because the technology is still in its early stages and has to be refined, there are drawbacks to consider alongside the great art that competent artificial intelligence can create.

Let’s start by defining art and determining whether or not AI-based work falls within that description.

What Is Art?

These days, philosophers and artists disagree on what true art is. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, there are two traditionalist meanings of contemporary interpretations:

An artwork is anything created for others to view and appreciate. It evolved from previous works. At the same time, traditionalism emphasizes the utility of an artwork, but hybrid theories consider anything to be art if it fits certain criteria, such as embodying a function of a primary art form of a certain period, whether done intentionally or not.

Not only are there several methods to define art, but even professionals disagree on what “genuine” art is. Because this is a question of opinion, categorizing the work of AI engines is tough.

In the end, AI art generators use deep learning to take in information that already exists and figure out what different objects, textures, or ideas look like.

Why is art made by AI real art?

It is true that human artists come up with more unique and emotional ways to express themselves. AI-based image generators, on the other hand, may produce equally spectacular results. Here are the main reasons why they should be regarded as genuine art.

Like people, machines can learn to be creative.

An algorithm cannot simply generate artwork that is a perfect match for a query. It must gather information and deduce its meaning, much like a human.

Some models are also influenced by whether or not users enjoy the photos they generate, allowing them to learn even more via trial and error. They become better at answering queries as they are utilized more.

In other words, AI art may be seen as a sort of craftsmanship and art, and both the programs and individuals who create it should be proud of it.

Art made by AI can move and inspire.

It may take a few attempts to produce the desired art, but if you use one of the top AI text-to-image generators, such as NightCafe, you’ll typically get excellent results.

AI art creators may surprise you with visuals that are gorgeous, odd, disturbing, or all too real, whether they’re precisely what you expected or not. In some ways, the computer uses its own creativity, and it may often do better than you expect.

So, although programs and their art aren’t based on emotions, they may nevertheless make you feel something and inspire you to find new ways to express yourself. Isn’t that the point of true art?

AI-made art is a step forward for both art and society.

Last but not least, digital art is a modern way to express yourself and shows how people live today. It is significant and has an impact, whether it is created by a human or a machine. Also, the pieces of art that are made by AI generators come from a wide range of old and new data sources. Even if you just combine a few pictures or styles from the past, you will end up having a mix of art history.

They are also a mirror of society since all the information an AI utilizes to learn how to produce images, text, and other things comes from what people say, do, and share online.

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