
Some powerhouses in creating AI art

Art requires an audience, and their preferences differ. Art has not been created by computer programmers. They created products, media, performances, and software. What produces art is an audience, since an artist creates work, and viewers transform that work into art via admiration.

AI art may be created using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), in which two Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are trained in different ways at the same time to develop AI art. Developers have now created a variety of tools that make it simple to generate AI art. With a few exceptions, the majority of these tools adhere to the main principles of GAN.

AI art is causing quite a stir in the artist world, and whether art aficionados like it or not, it is here to stay and will continue to improve. Here are some of the internet tools for creating mind-blowing AI artwork:


Magenta is an open-source research project tool for training machine learning models to create artificial intelligence art and music. It does this by modifying source material such as music and graphics. Magenta was founded by the Google Brain team, which was responsible for developing new deep learning and reinforcement learning algorithms for creating music, photos, drawings, and other things. It is also looking into making smart tools and interfaces that will let artists and musicians use these models to make their work more complex. Magenta employs TensorFlow and makes its models and tools available as open-source on GitHub.

Deep Dream by Google

Deep Dream is an AI art generator built by Google developer Alexander Mordvintsev. This AI generator generates dream-like psychedelic visuals and use a convolutional neural network to detect and enhance image patterns. Deep Dream’s experimental video is included below.

Runway ML is a simple, code-free application that allows you to artistically play with ML models. It is primarily a video-photo editing and machine learning (ML) program for creatives, but it can also generate AI art and morph photographs and videos.


This AI art generator can produce AI images by combining two photographs. It is a collaborative, machine learning-based art website that was formerly known as Ganbreeder. The software generates and modifies photos of people, landscapes, and artworks, among other things, using the models StyleGAN and BigGAN. Check watch the video below for a “Introduction to Artbreeder”:

Chimera Artist

Chimera painter is an AI art program that transforms a basic doodle into an outstanding image. The tool works by adding elements and textures to a design by giving it a realistic appearance. Though geared for game creators, anybody who wishes to make a realistic-looking AI image may use this GoogleAI-powered application.

Google Collaboration AI Art Machine

This is an art machine that allows you to text and get AI art. This notebook is by Hillel Wayne based on the notebook by Katherine Crowson. The platform is streamlined to make it more accessible for nonprogrammers.

Anant Vijay Soni from AVSTech and the A.I. Whisperer has posted instructional videos on YouTube titled “How to Generate Mind-Blowing AI Art in 5 Minutes for Free.” Check out the video links below:

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