
Try putting AI art on your wall

Automatic art generators powered by AI are now a reality. Now that this innovative technology is available to the general public, consumers have more variety when it comes to selecting artwork for their interiors.

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You can easily refine your concepts thanks to the iterative nature of AI art production technologies like Midjourney of DALL-E. As you get better at using the tool and reading the prompts, you may get closer and closer to making the exact piece of art you had in mind.

If you’re using human artists, this will likely be impracticable and expensive. Now you may decide on the aesthetic direction and color scheme of the game. You can simply get the desired impact visually, and if you become bored with it, you can switch things up quickly.

AI art is easier to match with your design

Mass-produced copies of famous works, or cheap ornamental art pieces found at décor megastores, make up the vast majority of what individuals hang in their homes. There’s no harm in doing this, but it does mean that our walls are covered with mass-produced art.

What you put on your wall when using AI to make artwork is guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind. That someone else might produce an identical work is so remote as to be statistically insignificant.

For instance, Midjourney lets you hide your created artwork from public view (for an additional fee). That way, you won’t have to worry about your framed images ending up on someone else’s walls.

The only people who can afford to commission unique artwork from human painters are the rich. The process of commissioning an artist and acquiring an original work of art to display in your home is time-consuming and costly. There is a dearth of human artists, so even if you have the means to commission a work, you may have trouble actually locating one who is capable of doing it.

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