
Why AI art can’t create hands and feet?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more popular as ordinary people find out how to get beyond the learning curve. It is not without criticism, since AI art tools depend on pictures from the internet, both professional photography and art created by artists.

Many people are concerned that AI art tools will replace artists and designers’ professions, but we’ve presented a case study to illustrate otherwise, and I’d like to point out that many of today’s complaints sound just like what was claimed when Photoshop first came out. Nonetheless, here we are.

Regardless, AI art is currently being utilized to produce artwork for websites, publications, and other purposes other than entertainment.

Aside from ethics and logic, there is a major issue with AI art in that it cannot accurately represent hands or feet on people or animals.

A professor once requested that one bot draw her a human hand, a human foot, and human hands and feet. Here are the images:

Image 60
Image 61
Image 62

These were completed with very few prompts, basically simply “human hands” and no further instructions. Additional detailed findings might be obtained by adding more commands to the written query, but I wanted to test what AI thought on its own without supervision. What a nightmare fuel!

So, why are these crimes being perpetrated by bots? There are other hypotheses circulating about, but I’d like to provide my own, which you may call a conspiracy theory if you like…

This hypothesis began as a joke in our home, but I’m beginning to believe it has some validity. Sure, people create these AI bots, and they’re just like us, but they’re not sentient and don’t make judgments. Just think about it.

Is it feasible, though, that the AI bots are discovering methods to allay our anxieties that they will take over the world? Nothing screams “I’m not a threat” like an inability to “draw” basic hands or feet on a continuous basis.

Laugh all you want, but we’re getting closer to the robot apocalypse every day, and although these entertaining gadgets are great to play with, are we sure they’re not simply attempting to deceive us into being unduly comfortable?

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