
AI art examples

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), it has been predicted that it will begin to replace many human tasks. This discussion has largely centered on industries such as manufacturing, customer service, and healthcare, where machines can perform tasks incredibly efficiently. Machines were thought to be mostly barred from the creative realm, at least for […]

Some powerhouses in creating AI art

Art requires an audience, and their preferences differ. Art has not been created by computer programmers. They created products, media, performances, and software. What produces art is an audience, since an artist creates work, and viewers transform that work into art via admiration. AI art may be created using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), in which […]

AI Art in computational creativity

Because of new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, creativity is changing in a big way. At the moment, computers are used in almost every creative field, from music to architecture to the visual arts to science. Yes, the computer can be used as many other things, like a canvas, a paintbrush, a musical instrument, and so […]

Google’s top AI art generator

Apple has long been the only company to honor the best applications of the year, but Google is swiftly catching up. The winners of the Google Play Best of 2022 awards have been announced by the company, and the most notable achievements of the year are a clear sign of the cultural mood right now. […]

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