
Meet Aida!

Ai-Da is more than simply a robot and an artist. Her makers refer to her as “the first ultra-realistic humanoid artist,” and her brilliance is apparent. The aim for Ai-developers, da’s though, isn’t to have created an incredibly skilled robotic artist. They want to start a discussion about how far we as a society are […]

AI art is reflective as doing other art

In my most recent essay, I discussed an author who gathered photographs for a promotional website by using a variant of the artificial intelligence (AI) art technique known as Stable Diffusion. She wanted sexual and violent aspects to be included into the artwork, but she discovered that existing AI painting programs had “guardrails” that limited […]

AI and the creativity of humans

The rise of digital technology is expanding human potential while upending ancient human practices. More than half of the world’s population now has code-driven systems in their everyday lives, bringing both unprecedented potential and risks in the form of ubiquitous knowledge and communication. To what extent will humanity benefit from the widespread use of AI […]

The dark side of AI

Art based on artificial intelligence is a new and intriguing topic that is rapidly gaining appeal. However, there is a negative aspect to AI art that is sometimes disregarded. This negative side includes the possibility of AI art being used for political propaganda, creating fraudulent art, or infringing on copyrights. AI has grown more engaged […]

How AI art is affecting the world of design

Artificial intelligence is also having an influence on the area of graphic design. StabilityAI just shook up the art industry with picture production, much as OpenAI altered content writing with language generation. StabilityAI unveiled Stable Diffusion in August of this year, an AI and machine learning-powered model that transforms words into mind-blowing pictures. Because of […]

Adobe’s AI art

It seems like AI art is taking over everything, and artists are unsure of what and who to trust, particularly with Adobe potentially stealthily signing up users to their AI’machine learning’ algorithm, Sensei. Recently, French comic artist Claire Wendling realized Adobe’s privacy and personal data settings had an odd automatic opt-in – Photoshop had authorization […]

This is just me talking

Intelligence is no longer exclusively human. The robots learn without human input… How incredible is it that we’ve progressed to the point where we can create AI that is nearly indistinguishable from real life? If you’re in the field of data science, machine learning, or AI, you’ve probably heard the term “Neural Networks” a million, […]

Both sides of the story of AI

AI upending the art world is a lovely headline, reminiscent of the classic ‘banana on the wall’ moments that litter art history. It grossly ignores the intent and potential of these technologies. Consider the individuals who are trying to express themselves because they have no use of their bodies right now, and provide them with […]

AI images over humans?

When I first heard about AI imaging technologies, I was terrified. I mean, it’s precisely what customers would want: rapid, inexpensive, and high-quality work. Any of us freelancing would be defeated by AI. In the past few years, systems have come out that use artificial intelligence to make vivid images based on simple text or […]

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